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I could tell I deeply needed to do a ‘sphere of identity’ full Aeon round. And after, with the aeons with me, a chakra series with the ‘tuning fork’ power tool for the christ energy. And then a “taking the dominant autonomy” meditation — I clearly need this. And if I get it all done… then as a gift to myself, I will go see The Well (i ching 48). And then some sitting with the Four.

It took all day, as I kept getting lost and then finally fell asleep for hours, but then finally… I got through it all. I feel SO much better. And I feel like I can finally do other things now. I’ve felt like all the meditations I wanted to do, needed to have this stuff come first. I’ve been putting off this responsibiltiy for a long time.


I fell asleep hours later, and dreamed. I didn’t know I was dreaming, the first dream seemed so unusually real. I suddenly realized that I was sitting in the car, my father’s car, in the passenger seat. My daughter was in the back seat behind me. I was sitting on a highway in the middle of the road, stopped. The driver’s seat was empty. I had no idea how I got there or where dad was. I finally got out to walk around to the other side, to drive us somewhere, and that’s all I remember.

Later, after I’d awoken and fallen asleep again, I had another dream. My car had vanished. I didn’t know where it was. I was very concerned and wanted to find it. Just then, a vehicle pulled into the big driveway where I was standing near a structure, that I thought had my car inside somehow. The car had gazillions of tiny holes all over it. Then it turned out my car was not there, but just then, another pulled in, with the same tiny holes all over it, and my car was “in” the other vehicle like flatbed truck, delivered to me.

I woke up then. The last time I saw that tiny holes everywhere symbolism was in my own body when Kyana Daoen, my third chakra, was showing me the damage that eating gluten (which I’d done earlier) does to me.

Still, even if I take that as the symbol, I don’t know what the two dreams mean. Because when I awoke after both, I felt like the dream had real meaning, related to the meditations I finally did earlier today.