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The Six of Disks appeared in front of me as a perfectly normal looking guy. Slightly attractive. Gosh, I thought. He seems ok.

Thoth Tarot Six of Disks (Success)

Thoth Tarot Six of Disks (Success)

I had the impression that I should walk around him. Not too closely. So I walked around him in a wide arc.

The minute I saw the back of him I felt ill. It was utter chaos. As if he were wearing this ‘face’ for the world — the whole front of him — that seemed pleasing and harmless. But the back was a nightmare.

Sticking out of the back of head and all the way down his body was… everything. Spikes and knives. Mold and weird growths. Black cancerous looking things that made me nauseated. Some bugs. Some chaos. Slime. Reaaaalllly disgusting and horrifying, dangerous and frightening.

Usually some symbol that makes me that disgusted requires a Tek med!

I went back to the front of him, and asked him to ‘open up so that all the ‘insides of him would be at the back along with the back, to make the front just a flat shell of sorts, and he did.

Then I did a bucket-level of cleansing water of love, baking hot sun of love, tornado removing wind of love, and thick gel earth mineral-chemical of love. That seemed to make a big difference, and I had a couple tiny flashes of rush during that.

I think I did something else with him, in terms of healing, but I’ve forgotten.

When I felt I was done, and he was clean and ok, I felt very… humorous and sexy about him all the sudden.

I stood close and said into his ear, Come INTO me, like it was a double entendre, and the visualization was some cross between sex and merging. It was a nice merge-rush though, not real intense but clear and extended and it made me feel like giggling happily.

Considering how long it took me to finally get to doing this — like six days — I thought it would be harder!


Thoth Tarot Meditations: Disks
Thoth Tarot Ace of Disks
1, 2
Thoth Tarot Two of Disks (Change)
Thoth Tarot Three of Disks (Works)
Thoth Tarot Four of Disks (Power)
Thoth Tarot Five of Disks (Worry)
Thoth Tarot Six of Disks (Success)
Thoth Tarot Seven of Disks (Failure)
Thoth Tarot Eight of Disks (Prudence)
Thoth Tarot Nine of Disks (Gain)
Thoth Tarot Ten of Disks (Wealth)
Thoth Tarot Princess of Disks
1, 2
Thoth Tarot Prince of Disks
Thoth Tarot Queen of Disks
Thoth Tarot Knight of Disks